Coordinates Display is a Client-side mod that adds an HUD to show your position, your chunk position, the direction you are looking in, the name of the biome you are in, and your Minecraft version.
Mod Menu is recommended for configuration purposes. It is required to open the Configuration GUI.
The Forge version of this mod requires Cloth Config for configuration.
The Visual Config Screen Modifies how the HUD will look.
Use this Gui to customize the Hud's look.
How to use each configuration:
Default value: yes
Toggle this option to decide whether the Hud should render on the in-game Hud.
This option is a yes/no option.
Default value: yes
Toggle this option to decide whether the Hud should render with trailing decimals.
Default value: no
Toggle this option to decide whether the Hud should render with the least amount of information (it looks like Lunar Client).
Please note this this option will disable most options throughout the configuration Guis.
Use this option to change the position of the Hud.
Click anywhere to lock the hud to your mouse pointer. It will move to wherever your mouse pointer is at.
To select the position, click again. The Hud will unlock from your mouse pointer.
To exit the screen, press escape.
Default value: 5
This option controls how much space from the edge there is from the text.
Change this value to decide how large the background will be compared to the text.
Default value: 15
This option controls how much space there will be between each section of text.
Change this value to decide how seperated each section of the Hud will be.
The Rendering Config Screen modifies which information will be displayed on the HUD.
Use this Gui to customize what is rendered on the HUD.
How to use each configuration:
Default value: yes
Toggle this option to decide whether the Hud should render with a background.
Default value: yes
Toggle this option to decide whether the Hud should render the Chunk X and Z.
Default value: yes
Toggle this option to decide whether the Hud should render the player's current direction
Default value: yes
Toggle this option to decide whether the Hud should render the player's current biome.
Default value: yes
Toggle this option to decide whether the Hud should render the players yaw.
Default value: yes
Toggle this option to decide whether the Hud should render the current version of Minecraft.
The colors that will be displayed on the HUD.
Please note that this section is only for fabric, the forge version has a list of colors you can choose from.
You can find the color picker to get these hex codes here.
How to use each configuration:
Default Value: #55ff55
This color option changes the color of the definitions (the text that is shown before the data to specify what the data is)
Default Value: #ffffff
This color option changes the color of the data (the text that is presenting the position)
Default Value: #55ffff
This color option changes the color of the death position data displayed in the death position chat message.
Default Value: #405c5c5c
This color option changes the background color of the HUD.
IMPORTANT: The value for this option is specified in ARGB format, where ARGB represents Alpha, Red, Green, and Blue. It is similar to RGB, where Red, Green, and Blue determine the color intensity, ranging from 0 to 255. The Alpha component in ARGB determines the transparency of the color. You will need to add the Alpha value (00-90) to the beginning of the HEX code that you got off of the color picker.
The configuration for the death position.
Use this Gui to configure the how the death position will be logged when you die.
How to use each configuration:
Default value: yes
This option determines whether the chat message is displayed on the death screen.
Default value: yes
This option determines whether the death position information is sent in the chat.
The text that will be used by the mod (specifically for the send in chat keybinds)
IMPORTANT: The text fields use the following variables:
Player Position: {x}
, {y}
, {z}
Player Dimension: {dimension}
Player Direction: {direction}
Player Name: {name}
Result: no input yet
How to use each configuration:
Default value: {x} {y} {z}
This option determines the text that is sent in the chat when a specific keybind is pressed.
Default value: {x}, {y}, {z}
This option determines the text that is copied to the clipboard when a specific keybind is pressed.
Coordinates-Display is published under the MIT License.
For more information about copyright and license check
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